HeyCoop's Friends
Member Since:
Sep '07
WYG? Ranking:
32119th place
About Me:
A Cubs fan stuck on the left coast
Favorite Jersey Number:
Joliet, IL
Current Town:
Mountain View, CA
Favorite Teams:
The Cubs and anyone playing the White Sox
Favorite Sports Quotes/Cliches:
Favorite: "There's no crying in baseball"
Most despised: "There's an off-speed breaking ball" ALL breaking balls are off-speed
Favorite Sports Movies:
Field of Dreams, Brian's Song, North Dallas Forty
Favorite Sports Moment:
Still waiting for it...when the Cubs win the World Series; till then, Da Bears championship in '85
Favorite Athletes:
Walter Payton, Mario Andretti, Ron Santo, Mike Ricci, Mick Kelleher, Steve Macko
Players You Love to Hate:
Sammy Sosa, Dino Ciccarelli, Bill Laimbeer
Best Game You've Attended:
8-8-88 at Wrigley. Even though it was rained out prior to being an official game, attending the Cubs' first night game was a thrill.

  • gobears yo Coop... shout out from the stands here